100 not out!
So, today I reached a very special milestone in my Celebrant journey... I conducted my ONE HUNDREDTH wedding! I completed my wedding...
Working together to create a memorable, unique and uplifting ceremony
100 not out!
The personal touch!
A wonderful (windy) wedding at Borthwick Castle
Beautiful memories of stunning Glencoe
Best In Show!
2023 - a brilliant year!
A busy year!
A Wee Celebration!
Merci Bien!
Eine Deutsche Hochzeit (A German Wedding!)
A busy summer
2 fantastic weddings and a very special funeral
Tribute to a remarkable lady
A Fully Qualified Celebrant!
Happy New Year!
The First Wedding!
I now pronounce you...
An elopement on the beach!
From Arran, with Love!
My Very First Ceremony!