It's almost July and I can't believe how fast the first six months of the year have gone!
Since I returned from my trip to Liverpool for Eurovision in May (Finland was totally robbed!) I've barely had time to draw breath, with at least one wedding each week, and some weeks including up to three weddings. Yesterday I conducted my 21st wedding. When you add a few funerals into the mix, I'm glad to say that I'm definitely keeping (very) busy!
When I get to conduct weddings in settings with views as beautiful as this one at the stunning Dungallan Country House in Oban, I really have to pinch myself and remember how lucky I am!

Simon and I took Nova with us for a lovely weekend in Oban and whilst I was conducting the wedding the two of them were wandering around the town - basking in the 26 degree sunshine. Fish & Chips by the harbour, and then a super meal in the beer garden of a dog-friendly restaurant the following evening, it was just fab!

The next few weeks will see me conducting my first two bi-lingual weddings (one English/Greek and the the other English/French) and whilst I'm going to be relying on the family and friends of the couples to provide the translations for those ceremonies, in August I'll be conducting my first ceremony entirely in GERMAN, when my cousin and his fiancé come over to stay with us and I get to marry them! With only the legal declarations being spoken in English (as required by law) that'll be a good test of my German. My Mum was German and I've always been proud of my Scottish/German heritage.
I'm also looking forward to relaxing on the next Saturday that I don't have a wedding - that's coming mid-November!!!